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What students speak of us?

Pooja Singh (IBPS RRB PO 2024) I have been preparing since August 2020. My selection used to fall short by a very small margin—like missing RBI Assistant by 5 marks, RRB Clerk by 5 marks, RRB PO in 2021 by 5 marks, and in 2023 by 0.7 marks. I missed LIC AAO by 5 marks, NIACL Assistant by 0.3 marks, SSC CGL 2022 by 10 marks, and RRB NTPC by 3 marks. Apart from these, I also narrowly missed the mains of SBI and IBPS exams by small margins. But finally, I got selected as RRB PO in 2024. Hard work always pays off eventually, so we should keep striving consistently. In this journey, Smartkeeda's mocks have helped me a lot. Their mocks boosted my confidence, and that's the reason I cleared all the prelims, no matter how few the vacancies were.
Saruthy B N (IBPS RRB Clerk 2024) I have been preparing for bank exams for the past two years, and Smartkeeda has been a game-changer in my journey. Their CA Mock Drills significantly improved my performance in the CA section, while their topic tests enhanced my speed and confidence. The YouTube sessions, particularly the Critical Reasoning series, were outstanding. Thank you, Smartkeeda, for providing such invaluable resources. Your support has been instrumental in my progress, and I'm grateful for your contribution to my success.
Subhalaxmi Pani (IBPS RRB PO & Clerk 2024) I began my preparation for bank exams seven years ago, brimming with hope and enthusiasm. Armed with books, mock tests, and online classes, dived into the world of competitive exams, faced my first attempt with optimism but fell short of success. Undeterred, vowed to try again. As the years passed, my journey turned into a test of patience and endurance. Each failure brought criticism from my family and villagers. ""Why are you wasting your time? Get married or take up something else,"" they would say. Despite the negativity, I remained steadfast in my belief that my hard work would eventually pay off. I have bought both full length mock test and CA mockdrills. Smartkeeda Mock tests are exam oriented and helped me to increase my marks.
Vidya Bisen (IBPS RRB PO & Clerk 2024) "Thank you so much, Smartkeeda, for providing current affairs in such an innovative manner. Because of the Current Affairs Mock Drill, I was able to score well in the exams. The content is up to the mark, exam-centric, and easy to learn and grasp. This was the section where I always lagged, but after purchasing your Mock Tests and CA Mock Drill, it became so easy for me. The content and the level of the mock tests are also superb. Thank you again! ❤"
Kusum rajput (IBPS RRB PO 2024) Smartkeeda mocks are more difficult than actual exams so giving these mocks really helped me in gaining confidence in mains exams. Smartkeeda CA Mockdrills are the best. They cover every news and the smart points really helps in quick revision.
Khushi Simran (IBPS RRB PO 2024) Smartkeeda proved to be a game changer. Mock Drill has become my daily routine. If someone can manage to study all of their ca mock for 6 months before exam, it will be extremely helpful for the aspirant. The content of the current affairs are a life saver. Your mocks and ca helped me to crack RRB PO in my first attempt. Grateful to Smartkeeda for the invaluable support. Thank you, SK!
Ritika Singhal (IBPS RRB Clerk 2024) I have been preparing for 2 years. I followed Smartkeeda CA mockdrill for my current affairs preparation and it helped me a lot. Thanks smartkeeda for giving such quality content.
Soundharya (IBPS RRB Clerk 2024) I purchased SK Mock test, Speed drills and CA mockdrills. They helped me to get my job with good marks
Ankita Mandal (IBPS RRB Clerk 2024) Smartkeeda' s full length mock test, sectional test ,topic test (especially english section) and also CA mockdrill helped me lot to crack this exam.
Stuti Singh (IBPS RRB clerk 2024) When I started my banking preparation, I began giving mocks on numerous apps, but I preferred Smartkeeda the most. Their content is exactly at the exam level. I gave daily full-length mock tests, which helped me strengthen my preparation and clear the exam. Thank you, Smartkeeda!"
Manya (IBPS RRB PO and clerk 2024) I followed SmartKeeda CA Mock drill for my current affairs preparation. The smart points helped a lot during revision and quizzes were a game changer for me. I want to thank team SmartKeeda for such quality content.
Sanju Jakhar (IBPS RRB Clerk and PO 2024) I have finally cleared RRB PO or RRB CLERK exam after several attempts. Smartkeeda platform played a pivotal role in my preparation journey, especially mock test. Thank you 🙏🏻
Kotcherla Kanakeswari (IBPS RRB Clerk and PO 2024) After several attempts I have finally cleared both RRB PO and Clerk. In this Smartkeeda CA played a major role for me
Nandini Bansal (IBPS RRB Clerk 2024) Smartkeeda Full length mocks are super relevant as per exam level especially the Sectional tests helped me a lot in clearing the examination. Mockdrills are also amazing. Many questions came from the CA mockdrill itself in mains examination.
Sanghamitra (IBPS RRB Clerk and PO 2024) Amazing Full length mock test series assisted me to clear both RRB PO and RRB OA. Smartkeeda mock test for mains has really been a motivation for me to deal with complex problems during examination. Thank you Smartkeeda for making such amazing mock test and help students to achieve success.
Kakan Gupta (IBPS RRB PO 2024) I cracked RRB PO 2024 in my second attempt. I fell short last year in ga section but scored 16.25 in this year's mains which I feel is decent. Thanks to sk mockdrill for helping me in my journey. The quizes were amazing and the smart points really helped me to retain the key points of a news. Thanks a lot.
Ritika Singhal (IBPS RRB Clerk 2024) The CA Mockdrill helped me a lot due to which I was able to clear the sectional cut off because it is very difficult for me to remember current affairs.
Priyanshu Dubey (IBPS RRB Clerk 2024) The quality of the questions in Smartkeeda is TOP-NOTCH, mirroring the actual exam pattern and difficulty level. It helped me get accustomed to the exam format, identify my weak areas, and focus on improving them.
Dweep Mudgal (IBPS RRB PO and Clerk 2024) Smartkeeda has been an integral part of my preparation journey, providing well-structured mock tests that closely align with the exam pattern. Each test helps me identify my strengths and improve on weaker areas through detailed analysis. The platform’s variety of questions ensures I stay challenged and motivated. Practicing regular Speed Drills on Smartkeeda has significantly enhanced my speed, accuracy, and confidence, making it a key tool in my success strategy.
Srishti Arora (IBPS RRB Clerk 2024) Hi! I cleared RRB Clerk 2024. I gave some Speed Drills which really increased my speed. Thank Smartkeeda.


In the light of the recent emphasis by the Supreme Court on the recruitment drive for the judicial posts, Rajasthan Judicial Services Exam is around the corner. Given the modified syllabus and nature of the RJS exam and the huge colossal number of posts advertised by the Rajasthan High Court, competition for each judicial seat in Rajasthan is undoubtedly going to be a mammoth and stiff.Rajasthan Judicial Services Exams is one of the toughest PCS-J examinations. Cracking the exam is a tough job but not an impossible task. Let us find out what it takes to clear Rajasthan Judicial Services examination.The examination scheme for recruitment to the cadre of Civil Judge Rajasthan is described as follows:

Name of Post: Civil Judge Cadre (Rajasthan Judicial Service) (RJS)

No. of Posts RJS: Total 197

Pay Scale RJS: Rs. 27,700- 44,770

Age Limit RJS: 23-35 (as on 01.01.2020)

Minimum Qualifications RJS: No Candidate shall be eligible for recruitment to the service unless he holds a degree of Bachelor of Laws (Professional) of any University established by law in India and recognized as such under the Advocates act, 1961. Candidates in the Final year of 5 year or 3 year degree can also apply for RJS.
The RJS Exam is divided into 3 parts

(1) Preliminary Examination (Objective Type)

(2) Written Main Examination (Subjective Type)

(3) Interview



1. Prelims Examination of RJS:

The Preliminary Examination for RJS shall be an objective typeexamination in which 70% weightage will be given to thesubjects prescribed in syllabus for Law Paper-I and Law PaperII, and 30% weightage shall be given to test proficiency inHindi and English language. The marks obtained in thepreliminary examination of RJS shall not be counted towards thefinal selection. RJS Prelims is for total 100 marks and there is no negative marking in the RJS prelims paper.
Syllabus for Preliminary Examination for Law in RJS:
  1. Law- RJS Major Acts
·       The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
·       The Constitution of India
·       The Indian Penal Code, 1860
·       Indian Contract Act, 1872
·       The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
·       The Limitation Act, 1963
·       The Specific Relief Act, 1963
·       The Transfer of Property Act, 1882
·       The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
  1. Law- RJS Minor Acts
·       The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
·       The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Chapter XVII)
·       The Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 
·       Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
·       The Rajasthan Rent Control Act, 2001
·       Interpretation of Statutes
  1. Law- Legal Awareness for RJS
·       Legal Maxim
·       Legal Case Laws
Mains Examination RJS:

The Main Examination for RJS shall consist of following subjects:

Subject Marks
(I) Law Paper-I 100
(II) Law Paper-II 100
(III) Language
(a) Paper-I Hindi Essay 50
(b) Paper-II English Essay 50

Law Paper (I)-

Duration : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 100
Code of Civil Procedure,1908, The Constitution of India,Indian Contract Act, 1872, The Indian Evidence Act,1872, The Limitation Act, 1963, The Specific Relief Act,1963, The Transfer of Property Act, 1882,Interpretation of Statues, The Rajasthan Rent ControlAct, 2001, Order/Judgment Writing.Paper is designed to test the practical knowledge of the candidates in civil law and procedure e.g. drafting,pleadings, framing issues and writing out judgmentsetc. in civil cases.
Law Paper (II)-
Duration : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 100

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, The IndianEvidence Act, 1872, The Indian Penal Code, 1860, TheJuvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act,2015, The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (ChapterXVII), The Probation of Offenders Act, 1958, Protectionof Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Framingof Charge /Judgment Writing.Paper is designed to test the practical knowledge of the candidates in criminal law and procedure e.g. framing charges and writing out the judgments etc. in criminal cases.
(a) Paper-I Hindi Essay
Duration : Two Hours
Maximum Marks : 50
Essay Writing in Hindi Language for RJS
(b) Paper-II English Essay
Duration : Two Hours
Maximum Marks : 50
Essay Writing in English Language for RJS

The number of candidates to be admitted to theinterview shall be, as far as practicable, three times the total number of vacancies category wise:Provided that to qualify for interview, a candidate shallhave to secure a minimum of 35% marks in each of the lawpapers and 40% marks in aggregate in the main examination;Provided further that a candidate belonging toScheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe category, shall be deemedto be eligible for interview, if he has obtained minimum of30% marks in each of the law papers and 35% marks in theaggregate in the main examination.

3. Interview/Viva Voce for RJS:-

Maximum Marks : 35

In interviewing a candidate, the suitability for employment to the service shall be tested with reference tohis record at the school, college and university, and his character, personality, address and physique. The questions,which may be put to him, may be of a general nature and willnot necessarily be academic or legal. The candidate will alsobe put questions to test his general knowledge includingknowledge of current affairs and present-day problems.
Marks shall also be awarded for the candidate’s proficiency inthe Rajasthan dialects and his knowledge of social customs of Rajasthan. The marks so awarded shall be added to the marks obtained in the written test by each candidate.It shall be compulsory to appear, in each and everypaper of written test, as also before the interview board for viva voce. A candidate, who has failed to appear in any of the written paper or before the board for viva voce shall not be recommended for appointment. After interview, a list of the candidates shall be prepared in the order of their performance on the basis of their aggregate marks. If two or more of such candidates obtain equal marks in the aggregate, they shall be arranged inthe order of merit on the basis of their general suitability for service and their names shall be recommended for appointment accordingly. Provided that a candidate of scheduled castes or scheduled tribes category shall not be recommended for appointment unless he obtains minimum 35% marks in theaggregate of written examination and the interview, and, in the case of other candidates, unless he obtains minimum 40%marks in the aggregate of written examination and theinterview.